Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Free Time"

What is free time? I am asking because I hear people talking about free time and it's like they are speaking greek. Erik recently started pre-school. I have 2.5 hours twice a week where he is out of the house. I don't get anything done or at least it seems like I should have a sparkling house with a break from Erik 5 hours a week going to school. Granted I have Sarah at home and she is demanding most of the time, but she sleeps while Erik is at school. Maybe it's that I'm not used to doing work without little ones screaming or asking questions. It also could be that the house is finally quiet and I just want to sit and enjoy it.
It is so nice that Erik is in school. All the things I've tried to teach him, like cutting with scissors, coloring and writing his name he is doing very well at school. I know I'm suppose to inforce it at home but like a friend said, "that is why you are paying them to do it for you".

We also just got done re-roofing our house. It was a week of chaos. Phil was working 10-12 hour days at the dam so my parents and phil's dad came to help. Along with some friends here in town. I was very proud of myself. I pulled shingles, ripped off old boards and nailed new ones back down. Phil was quite surprised. We had no major injuries except a few people (Phil, Me and a neighbor) fall through the roof. Phil is the only one that went all the way through (he landed on the refridgerator). Happily I only fell up to my waist. I did get a good gash on my leg however.
But alas it's done. We won't have to worry about leaking ceilings this winter. Now our next project (that we were in the middle of when we started the roof) is painting the house. Hopefully we will get it done before the weather turns nasty.
Now as far as free time. My living room has toys and clothes all over it. I have laundry I have to fold and Erik's shoes are sitting on the table next to me, however now that I have both kids down for quiet time at the same time, I will go veg out and watch a show because I can't do that when the kids are awake. I'm going to enjoy this thing called "free time" even though it's not really free. Free from kids but not work.
No wonder I can't get my house ever clean!