Saturday, May 30, 2009

Face of betrayal by Lis Wihel

I love a good mystery. Especially the kind where you are totally shocked by "who done it". Face of betrayal is about a young girl's murder while on Christmas break. A group of women who call themselves the triple threat club investigate the murder of this young Senate page. 1) An FBI agent, 2) Reporter 3) Assistant district attorney. At first is started out slow but as I got to know these characters you realize how invested into their jobs they are. They want to make the world a better place. As they search for what is originally dubbed a runaway, they find clues to lead them down the path where they least expect. There are times where I couldn't put the book down because of what was going to happen next. Every chapter had another clue that lead you deeper and deeper into the minds of each women and using their specific talents, uncover the truth behind what happen to young Katie Converse. If you like mysteries, this is a must read. Every time you think you figured it out, another piece of the puzzle is revealed.

I am a part of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program.
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

ain't no princess

When I was pregnant with Sarah, I didn't like the idea of having a princess. I was very clear to everyone I wasn't going to have a prissy girl. My friends who already had girls said "ha you just wait". I didn't want clothing that said it, I didn't want frilly dresses etc..
Well that was then... this is now. I still don't want things that say princess on them but dresses are so darn cute. I like the idea of having a tomboy. Maybe because I was one. I loved dressing up and looking pretty but I was all about getting dirty and building forts in the back yard with leftover wood we found in the garage.
In the past week, we've had good weather so we've been working outside and in the garage (updating our travel trailer, THAT is for another post). On mothers day I decided to go out in the back yard and "pull a couple weeds" well I really go in to it and ended up spending 3 hours pulling weeds are making a plot for something (I still don't know yet). Phil was helping a friend of ours install underground sprinklers and he had Erik with him so Sarah and I were in the back yard. I put her in front of a pile of dirt and she played there for 2+ hours just sitting in the dirt and digging at 15 months old...that made mamma proud. Maybe she inherited the green thumb from grandma and great-grandpa since I certainly didn't.
Then... yesterday Phil had her in the garage. She walked over to a pile of sawdust and starting playing with that having a grand ol' time throwing up and having it land on her head.
All I can say is... you go girl!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

For all those who don't sew....

Being a stay at home mom, I want to participate in many things my own mother did when I was a child. I guess I feel since my mom did it, I should as well. Basic things like coloring, play dough, building blocks and so on are pretty easy. Baking cookies, home cooked meals seem to be easy as well. Sewing however is one of those tasks that I feel I "should" be able to do as a mom I just can't. Believe me I've tried. I don't have the patience. Now instead of working through the frustration and developing patience I decided sewing wasn't one of those things I needed to force myself to do. After all, back in the day (30+ years ago) sewing was more cost effective than it is now. With all the ___-mart stores, thrift stores and consignment stores it's less expensive to buy clothes than to make them. However beyond clothes sewing is good for a lot of other things.
That being said, I recently saw a clip from Martha on no-sew bags. It intriqued me because I love bags and you could never have too many bags with children. The main "ingredients" were duct tape and staples. Oh this was even more intriquing. It was so easy and so fun. It gave me the confidence to do something with fabric. I love the idea of sewing and creating. So this way I can create something useful and pretty. So if anyone would like me to create a duct tape bag for you I would be honored to create one for you. It's not cost effective because of the cost of fabric but it only requires about 1/2 yard of fabric so if you get it on sale then hey... cheap bag, pretty bag!