Friday, October 24, 2008

We have a new house!

Ok, we don't actually have a new house but we do have a new roof and a new paint job on the outside of our house. We have been putting off the roof for a few years. Partly because so many people told us to wait (because it wasn't that bad) and also because of money and not wanting to do it period. After a couple years of a leak in the laundry room and then the main bathroom, we decided to paint the house then do the roof. We started the process of painting the house in August when it was warm, because that is when you are SUPPOSE to paint a house. Well long story short, we took a break from that in the middle of September because that is when our parents were able to come help with the roof. We thought we'd be done with the painting by then but we were not even close. So before my parents and Phil's dad came we (phil and I and thankfully some friends) tore off the old roof. My parents showed up and the next day Phil's dad came. Phil unfortuantly had to work 10-12 hour days at the Dam so he wasn't able to help us except in the evenings. I didn't think we would get it done in a week (which is how long we had the help) but with 3 of us on the roof (Two dads and me) we were able to get it done about 3 hours before the rainstorm hit. It was hard work but fun. I ran the nailing gun and also helped tear off old boards.
We did have 3 people fall through the roof as we were taking off the old boards. Phil almost landed on the refrigerator. I fell in up to my waist and our 76 year old neighbor fell in up to his thigh. Yeah, I was a little worried about that one.
So, after 1 1/2 weeks after tearing off the 1st shingle, we have a brand new roof.
So does that mean we can stop and breath. Nooooo. We have to paint the house now. So after hours of Phil sanding and scraping we were ready for paint (almost). We decided to at a little texture to the house by doing what is called batton on board. We added verticle boards to the siding. It took us 4 hours to prime because of this and 1 hour to paint the entire house. (Thanks to aunt lisa for the use of your paint sprayer).
So I think I've gone on long enough. I will try to update more often. It's hard with the two kids and a house with a million and one projects.

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