Monday, December 1, 2008

Being an outsider

We are back from a trip to Idaho for Thanksgiving. This year it was with the Auth's. It's interesting how different people are from each other. I come from a quiet (comparitivly) family compared to the Auths. Now granted, there are 25 of them to my family of 5 so its going to be louder because of the people. However, I find it interesting how different people are and yet seem to get along very well. We had fun in Twin Falls. I think the best part was throwing a shower for my sister-in-law who is having a baby in March. The hardest part was the difference in parenting with others. We like putting our kids down for the night at an early time in the evening and they don't bother. I know this post may piss off someone but these are my thoughts. Kids thrive on routine, they thrive on discipline, they thrive on being kids and having parents. Why do some parents not want to give their children what all children need to the best of their ability. I got mocked and barrated for wanting to put my children to bed at a decent hour. Why is it when an outsider (like an in-law) makes a suggestion or a request or a thought, they are looked at like they are on drugs or speaking a different language from the rest of the people in the room. If a member of the family says it, all of a sudden it's acceptable. I have heard so many times about people getting married to someone whose family they don't like and they said something like "well I'm not marrying the family" well to those people out there, if your future spouse is close to his/her family, you ARE marrying the family. You get to be with them also and have to deal with all their different behaviors and quirks. Being an outsider you see things that even your spouse can't see or doesn't want to see. Sometimes it's nice to be the outsider because the family doesn't expect the same behavior out of you or they just write it off as you being the "in-law". However, over time you will slowly get closer and closer to the family and maybe even someday agree on something but highly unlikely because you are from a different generation and a different world. It's ok to be from different worlds, but just remember sometimes different worlds don't mix well and you have to be gentle and understanding when your worlds colide, for the sake of your spouse.

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